Renters insurance

Protect your stuff
Keep your cash

Renting does more for you when you
have the right renters insurance.

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a vector drawing of a phone.

Coverage for your things,
protection for your wallet

Fire & smoke damage

Fire and smoke ruin pretty much everything they touch. A renters insurance policy with Homebody covers the cost of replacing your stuff.

Theft & burglary

Replacing your stuff—laptop, TV, PC, gaming console—isn’t cheap. But Homebody can foot the bill if someone breaks in and steals your things.

Liability claims

Did you know you’re responsible for damage caused to another person or their property while in your apartment? Liability insurance makes it so you’re not on the hook financially.

Electrical damage

A surprise power surge can ruin all those things you plugged into the wall. Renters insurance can cover the cost to replace your electronics.


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Then go back to whatever you were doing.
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a vector drawing of a phone.
Front door of a home

Homebody provides more than 150,000 policies

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renters insurance

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Graphic of a book and a pencil
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Homebody’s guide to renters insurance
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Graphic of a laptop and a cup of coffee
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Why should college students have renters insurance?
Graphic of a plant and a cabinet
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What does renters insurance cover?
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Do I really need renters insurance? 


Like most other insurance (pet, homeowners, dental), renters insurance isn’t required by law. But in a disaster you definitely want to have a policy. Many rental properties may require it. That way, the resident and the rental unit are covered financially.

Why go with Homebody and not another insurance company?


The difference between Homebody and other insurance companies is this: We’ve made the sign-up process fast. Once you get started, it only takes about 5 minutes to get coverage.

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