
What is a good credit score for my age?


What is a good credit score for my age?

Age might be just a number, but when it comes to credit scores, age can provide context. 

At Homebody, we understand that consumer credit scores and histories evolve over time. We've laid out a guide to help you gauge where you stand relative to your age group.

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Credit scores by age: an overview

Average credit scores by age

Age range: 18-24

Average FICO score: 630

Age range: 25-34

Average FICO score: 650

Age range: 35-44

Average FICO score: 670

Age range: 45-54

Average FICO score: 680

Age range: 55+

Average FICO score: 700

Take a look at those numbers. See that as a person ages, they typically build up a more robust credit score. So, there’s hope for you yet if you believe that you’ll never get a decent FICO credit score!

To highlight what a credit score means to each age demographic, let’s dive in a little bit.

Age range: 18-24

The average FICO credit score for individuals aged 18-24 is around 630. In this age range, most people are just beginning to establish their credit history. It's common for young adults to have limited exposure to credit accounts and a relatively short credit history, which can contribute to the lower average credit score. 

Building credit at this stage involves responsible usage of credit cards, making on-time payments, and avoiding the accumulation of excessive debt.

Age range: 25-34

Moving into the age range of 25-34, the average FICO credit score rises to approximately 650. 

As individuals transition into their late 20s and early 30s, they generally have a more diverse array of credit accounts and a slightly longer credit history. This might include student loans, credit cards, and possibly car loans, all contributing to their credit profile. 

Developing a habit of consistent on-time payments and practicing responsible credit management can gradually improve their credit score over time.

Age range: 35-44

For those aged 35-44, the average FICO credit score further increases to about 670. 

By this point, individuals tend to have a more well-established credit history and a wider range of credit accounts. Mortgages, personal loans, and perhaps even small business loans could be part of their credit mix. 

To maintain and enhance their credit score, responsible debt management, focusing on paying down balances, and steering clear of late payments become essential practices.

Age range: 45-54

As people reach the age range of 45-54, the average FICO credit score advances to around 680. 

With a more extensive credit history and a heightened familiarity with managing various financial obligations, this group may possess mortgages, retirement loans, and more substantial credit limits. 

Sustaining a strong record of on-time payments, actively managing credit utilization, and minimizing new debt contribute to their above-average credit score.

Age range: 55+

Lastly, for those aged 55 and above, the average FICO credit score reaches about 700. 

This age group typically benefits from a long credit history, which positively influences their credit score. With fewer financial obligations, such as paid-off mortgages, they tend to maintain lower credit utilization and thus a higher average credit score. 

Conclusion: Make the right decisions, reap the benefits

Overall, regardless of age, maintaining responsible credit management, consistent payments, and careful borrowing remain pivotal factors for upholding and improving credit scores.

What should I be doing to build credit at my age?

Here’s what you should do to build and maintain your highest average credit score at every stage in your life as a checklist:

In your 20s:

  • Start by opening a credit card or a secured credit card to begin building credit history.
  • Keep credit utilization low by only using a small portion of your available credit.
  • Pay your bills on time, as late payments can have a significant negative impact on your credit score.
  • Avoid accumulating excessive debt, especially student loans, by making informed financial decisions.
  • Regularly monitor your credit report for any errors or discrepancies that need correction.
  • Begin building an emergency fund to avoid relying on credit for unexpected expenses.

In your 30s:

  • Continue practicing responsible credit card usage, maintaining low credit utilization.
  • Diversify your credit mix by considering installment loans, like car loans or personal loans.
  • Refrain from opening too many new credit accounts in a short period, as it can indicate financial instability.
  • Consistently make on-time payments for all your debts, including mortgages and personal loans.
  • Focus on paying down existing debts and avoiding unnecessary new debt.
  • Reevaluate your budget periodically to ensure you're living within your means and saving for future goals.

In your 40s and 50s:

  • Keep a watchful eye on your credit report for any changes or potential issues.
  • Consider refinancing loans or consolidating debt to optimize your credit utilization.
  • Maintain a longer credit history by retaining older credit accounts, even if they have low balances.
  • Prioritize paying off high-interest debts first to reduce interest expenses.
  • Stay vigilant about credit inquiries and only apply for credit when necessary.
  • Plan for retirement and contribute to retirement accounts, as strong financial planning positively impacts creditworthiness.

In Your 60s:

  • Continue monitoring your credit report to guard against identity theft or errors.
  • Make timely payments on any remaining debts, showcasing consistent financial responsibility.
  • Minimize unnecessary credit applications and inquiries to avoid potential score drops.
  • Utilize your long credit history to your advantage, showcasing your decades of responsible borrowing.
  • Consider closing unused credit accounts cautiously to avoid negatively affecting your credit utilization ratio.
  • Focus on estate planning and passing on financial wisdom to the next generation, further securing your family's financial legacy.

As you can see, building and maintaining good credit is a continuous effort that rewards you with better financial opportunities and peace of mind. Plus, it can be fun to see just what new opportunities are available to you each time your credit score improves!

What ages have the most perfect credit scores (850)?

Want to get a perfect score? Who doesn’t!

Securing a perfect credit score of 850 brings various benefits, including favorable loan rates, credit card offerings, and utility discounts. 

Approximately 52% of Americans aged 55 and over hold credit scores of 850. This average is 2 points higher than the overall FICO® score and lowest average credit score of 703, classified by Experian as "excellent." Typically, individuals in the 66 to 75 age range enjoy higher incomes, which contribute to better scores.

To achieve a perfect credit score, you need some knowledge to aid you in the quest for perfect credit. To avoid the many pitfalls on your path of financial adventure, we’ll look at the many factors that determine your overall credit score.

Which factors affect your credit score?

  • Payment history: timely payments and history of on-time payments.
  • Credit utilization: the ratio of used credit to available credit.
  • Length of credit history: how long your credit accounts have been active.
  • Types of credit: the mix of credit accounts, such as credit cards and loans.
  • New credit: recent credit inquiries and newly opened credit card accounts.

Payment history

Your payment history is a crucial factor in determining your credit score. Timely payments on your credit accounts, including credit cards, loans, and mortgages, positively impact your score. Late payments, defaults, and accounts sent to collections can have a negative effect.

Credit utilization

Credit utilization refers to the percentage of your available credit that you're using. Keeping your credit card balances low compared to your credit limits can help improve your credit score. High credit utilization can suggest financial stress and might lower your score.

Length of credit history

The length of time your credit accounts have been active contributes to your credit score. A longer credit history is generally favorable, as it provides more information about your borrowing habits. This factor takes into account the age of your oldest account, the average age of all your accounts, and the age of your newest account.

Types of credit

Lenders like to see a diverse mix of credit accounts, including credit cards, installment loans (like mortgages and auto loans), and retail accounts. A balanced mix indicates that you can manage various types of credit responsibly.

New credit

Opening multiple new credit accounts within a short period can be perceived as risky behavior. Each time you apply for new credit, a hard inquiry is added to your report, which can temporarily lower your score. Additionally, new accounts can lower the average age of your credit history.

Important: Is age a direct factor in credit scoring models?

No, age itself is not a direct factor in most credit scoring models. Credit scoring models, such as FICO and VantageScore, do not directly consider your age when calculating your credit score. Instead, they focus on various other factors that reflect your creditworthiness and financial behavior.

However, certain aspects of your credit profile may indirectly relate to your age. For example, the length of your credit history is an important factor in credit scoring. Older individuals may have a longer credit history, which can positively influence their credit scores. 

Additionally, the types of credit accounts you have and your payment history are key components that can be impacted by your financial behavior over time. If, for example, your now divorced spouse was the one in charge of the finances, your your credit card debt history will be less, resulting in a lower credit score overall.

Improving your score regardless of age

Good news: It's never too late to work on improving your credit score!

While it's true that credit history does accumulate over time, taking positive actions can still have a significant impact on your score. Here are a few steps you can take:

  1. Pay on time: consistently making on time payments moving forward can positively impact your credit score over time. Payment history is a significant factor in determining your score.
  2. Reduce debt: focus on paying down existing debts. Lowering your credit card balances and reducing your credit utilization ratio can help improve your score.
  3. Avoid opening new accounts: while adding new credit accounts can have a temporary negative impact, responsibly managing existing accounts can lead to gradual improvements.
  4. Check for errors: regularly review your credit reports for any errors or inaccuracies. Disputing and correcting these errors can lead to score improvements.
  5. Long-term positive behavior: demonstrating responsible credit behavior consistently over time will help boost your score gradually.
  6. Seek professional advice: if you're struggling to manage your credit, consider seeking advice from a credit counselor or financial advisor who can provide guidance tailored to your situation.
  7. Team up with Homebody: Homebody offers rent reporting services to get credit where credit is due. With Homebody, your rent payments get tracked, building your credit for an expense you already cover each month. How neat is that?!

Does my retirement affect my ability to get credit?

Looking to relax into your golden years? If so, you should know a few things about what happens to your credit when you leave the workforce.

Your retirement status can affect your ability to get credit, but it's not the only factor that lenders consider. While being retired can impact your income and potentially change the way lenders assess your creditworthiness, it's not an absolute barrier to obtaining credit. Here's how retirement can influence your ability to get credit:

  • Income
  • Credit history
  • Collateral
  • Loan term
  • Debt-to-income ratio (DTI)


Lenders typically evaluate your ability to repay a loan based on your income. In retirement, your income might be lower compared to when you were working full-time. This could affect the amount of credit you're approved for, especially for larger loans like mortgages. 

However, if you have reliable retirement income sources such as pensions, Social Security, investments, or rental income, lenders may still consider these when assessing your ability to make payments.

Credit history

Your credit history and score remain important factors in determining creditworthiness. 

If you have a strong credit history and a good credit score, lenders may still be willing to extend credit to you, even if you're retired.


Some types of loans, like secured loans where an asset is used as collateral (e.g., home equity loans), may be more accessible for retirees because the collateral provides added security for the lender.

Loan term

Lenders may consider your age and expected retirement duration when assessing the term of the loan. For instance, they might be more cautious about approving long-term loans that extend beyond your expected retirement age.

Debt-to-income ratio (DTI)

Lenders evaluate your DTI, which is the ratio of your monthly debt payments to your monthly income. A lower income due to retirement might result in a higher DTI, potentially affecting your loan eligibility.

In summary, while retirement can impact your credit eligibility, lenders take a comprehensive view of your financial situation. Your credit history, credit score, income, and the type of credit you're seeking all play a role. 

If you have a solid financial foundation, good credit, and a stable income (even if it's from retirement sources), you can still obtain credit, although the terms and amounts might differ compared to when you were working full-time.

If my spouse dies, how is my credit affected?

The death of your spouse can have various implications for your credit, depending on your financial arrangements and the accounts you held jointly. 

Here's how it can affect your credit:

  • Joint accounts
  • Individual accounts
  • Shared debt
  • Beneficiary accounts
  • Reviewing accounts
  • Identity theft protection

Joint accounts

If you and your spouse held joint accounts, such as joint credit cards or loans, you would typically become solely responsible for the debts associated with those accounts. Your ability to manage these accounts and make timely payments can impact your credit.

Individual accounts

If your spouse had individual credit accounts that you were not a co-signer or joint account holder on, their death would generally not impact your free credit report either. Credit accounts in their name only would typically not appear on your credit report.

Shared debt

If your spouse's debts were solely in their name, these debts are typically not transferred to you after their death. However, in community property states or under certain circumstances, you might still be responsible for some of their debts.

Beneficiary accounts

If you were a beneficiary on any accounts (such as a joint bank account or life insurance policy) or if you're named in their will to receive assets, these wouldn't typically affect your credit. These are typically separate from your credit history.

Reviewing accounts

After your spouse's passing, it's wise to review all joint and individual accounts, credit bureau, reports, and financial documentation to ensure you have a clear understanding of your financial situation.

Identity theft protection

Unfortunately, the death of a loved one can lead to identity theft. It's important to be vigilant and monitor any joint accounts or your own accounts for unauthorized activity.

Speak with financial professionals 

It's recommended to consult with legal and financial professionals who can provide guidance specific to your situation. 

Also, notifying creditors and credit reporting agencies of your spouse's passing can help prevent potential identity theft and ensure accurate reporting of your credit accounts.

Key Takeaway
The average FICO credit score for individuals aged 18-24 is around 630. In this age range, most people are just beginning to establish their credit history. Building credit at this stage involves responsible usage of credit cards, making on-time payments, and avoiding the accumulation of excessive debt. Let us show you how it's done, and how you can improve your credit as you get older.

How does age affect credit scores? 

Age itself isn't a direct factor in credit scoring models. However, certain credit-related factors can be influenced by age, such as the length of your credit history and your financial responsibilities over time.

What is a good credit score for my age? 

A "good" credit score varies based on credit scoring models, but generally, higher scores are desirable. While younger individuals might have lower scores due to shorter credit histories, older individuals may have higher scores if they've established a strong credit history over the years.

Can younger people achieve high credit scores? 

Yes, younger individuals can achieve high credit scores through responsible credit habits. Starting early, paying bills on time, and managing credit wisely contribute to a positive credit history.

What is the average credit score by age? 

Credit scores vary by age group. On average, younger individuals may have lower scores due to limited credit history, while older individuals tend to have higher scores due to longer credit histories and financial experience.

Does my age impact credit card approval? 

While age isn't the sole factor in credit card approval, it can influence lenders' decisions. Younger applicants might have limited credit histories, making approval challenging, while older applicants with established and higher credit scores might have an advantage.

How does age affect credit card interest rates? 

Age doesn't directly affect interest rates, but your credit score does. Older individuals with higher scores may qualify for better interest rates due to their credit history.

Can age affect loan eligibility? 

Yes, age can impact loan eligibility, especially for long-term loans. Lenders consider your expected retirement age and the length of the loan when determining your ability to repay.

Does my age influence credit utilization? 

Your age doesn't directly affect credit utilization, which is the ratio of credit used to credit available. However, older individuals might have lower credit utilization if they've responsibly managed their credit over time.

Is age a factor in credit history length? 

Yes, age contributes to the length of your credit history. Older individuals usually have longer credit histories, positively impacting their credit scores.

Can I improve my credit score as I get older? 

Yes, it's never too late to improve your credit score. Responsible credit habits, such as timely payments and managing debt, can lead to score improvements at any age.

How does age affect my credit mix? 

Older individuals might have a more diverse credit mix due to various financial experiences, which can positively impact their credit scores.

Does age impact credit inquiries? 

Age doesn't directly affect average credit score continues to inquiries. However, excessive inquiries, regardless of age, can temporarily lower your credit score.

Can age affect credit limits? 

Age isn't a direct factor in determining credit limits, but your credit history, income, and creditworthiness play roles.

What are the benefits of having a high credit score at an older age? 

A high credit score at an older age provides access to favorable loan terms, lower interest rates, and better financial opportunities during retirement.

Can age influence credit-related decisions when retiring? 

Yes, retiring can impact credit decisions, as lenders assess your income and ability to repay. Stable retirement income sources can positively influence credit eligibility.

Is it harder to rebuild credit as I get older? 

Rebuilding credit is possible at any age. While credit history length matters, adopting healthy credit practices can lead to score improvements over time.

Does age affect credit scores differently in different countries? 

Credit scoring models may vary by country, but similar principles apply. Responsible credit behavior remains essential for good credit scores globally.

Can I get credit in retirement? 

Yes, you can obtain credit in retirement. While income might change, lenders consider various factors beyond age when assessing creditworthiness.

How can I maintain good credit as I age? 

Regardless of age, focus on responsible credit habits: pay bills on time, manage debt wisely, and regularly review your credit reports for errors.

Is it possible to achieve a perfect credit score at any age? 

Yes, it's possible to achieve a perfect credit score at any age by consistently practicing responsible credit management and maintaining a strong credit history.

Conclusion: age into great credit with Homebody today!

While age provides a context to understand credit scores, your own financial habits play the most crucial role. At Homebody, we encourage everyone to focus on responsible credit management, ensuring a brighter financial future regardless of age!

To do so, we offer credit building tools and affordable insurance—all within a few clicks. Start with Homebody today for a free quote and enjoy the years of a happy financial future!

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