Apartment Living

10 Best Plants for Apartment Living: Thrive in Small Spaces!


1. The Lush Snake Plant: A Towering Low-Maintenance Beauty

Known for its tall, upright leaves, the snake plant is the epitome of low-maintenance beauty. It thrives in indirect light to partial shade, making it a versatile choice for any corner of your apartment.

Whether you’re a seasoned plant parent or a green thumb novice, this plant is a breeze to care for. However, keep in mind that despite its ability to enhance your decor, it is not a safe choice for households with pets. So, if you have furry friends roaming around, make sure to place it out of their reach.

Caring for Snake Plants

Similar to many houseplants, the snake plant prefers to avoid waterlogged conditions. Overwatering can lead to root rot, a common plant ailment that can seriously harm your green friend. The trick is to let the soil dry out before you water again, ensuring your pot has adequate drainage holes for any excess water to escape. If you do spot signs of root rot, don’t panic.

Simply prune the affected roots, let them dry out, and repot the plant in well-draining soil. With a little care, your snake plant will bounce back in no time.

2. Pothos: The Cascading Gem of Indoor Greenery

Following up, we have the Pothos, a beloved indoor plant. Perfect for a hanging basket or a high shelf, its trailing growth creates a waterfall effect that adds a touch of the tropics to your home. Known as the ‘devil’s ivy’, Pothos is incredibly robust and requires minimal care. It can withstand a range of lighting conditions, thriving even in low-light environments. Some key features of Pothos include:

  • Trailing growth that creates a waterfall effect
  • Ability to thrive in a range of lighting conditions, including low-light environments
  • Minimal care requirements

Moreover, it makes an excellent addition to an indoor herb garden, contributing to both your home’s aesthetics and culinary adventures.

Caring for Pothos

As with all plants, your Pothos requires some tender loving care to flourish. Here are some tips to help it thrive:

  1. Regular pruning not only keeps its length manageable but also promotes denser, fuller growth.
  2. Consider providing a climbing structure like a moss pole to encourage upward growth.
  3. Keep the soil moist to stimulate the plant to grow larger leaves, enhancing its fullness.

During its growing season, applying a nitrogen-rich fertilizer or a liquid seaweed solution can foster dense and healthy growth.

3. Peace Lily: The Air-Purifying and Graceful Decor

For an indoor plant that combines functionality with beauty, consider the Peace Lily. It’s a graceful décor addition that also purifies your indoor air, removing toxins like trichloroethylene and formaldehyde.

Caring for Peace Lilies

Peace Lilies thrive in the following conditions:

  • Bright, indirect light
  • Average home humidity
  • Moist soil
  • Room temperatures from 60 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

A well-balanced mixture of moisture and light is what Peace Lilies enjoy. While they appreciate bright, indirect light, they also love high humidity. You can achieve this by misting the leaves or placing the plant on a water-filled pebble tray.

Choosing the Right Pot

When it comes to picking a pot for your Peace Lily, size, material, and drainage are crucial. Pots that are too small can restrict root growth, while those too large can lead to overwatering. Go for a pot that provides ample room for growth but is not excessively big.

4. Flourishing Basil: Fresh Herbs at Your Fingertips

Now, let’s shift our focus to something a bit unique: herbs. If you’re a foodie, you’ll love having fresh basil at your fingertips. Basil is a popular indoor herb that’s perfect for an indoor herb garden. It requires regular watering and about 12-16 hours of grow light each day.

In just 3 to 4 weeks from planting, you’ll be able to start harvesting, offering quick gratification from your gardening efforts.

Herb Garden Integration

Basil need not be confined to being a standalone plant. You can integrate it into an indoor herb garden with other companion plants like:

  • tomatoes
  • peppers
  • lettuce
  • oregano

This not only enhances each plant’s flavor but also creates a visually appealing green space in your apartment.

However, remember that indoor herb gardens often face challenges such as limited space and less light, so plan accordingly.

Caring for Basil

Want your basil plant to stay lush and vibrant? Regular snipping is the key. Cutting 2-3 inches off the tops of your basil not only helps in maintaining a full and healthy plant but also encourages it to grow more bushy.

Aim to remove about one-third of the leaves monthly, and you’ll have a basil plant that’s as healthy as it is productive.

5. The Resilient ZZ Plant: A Touch of the Tropics

For those seeking a plant that combines resilience with beauty, the ZZ plant is an ideal choice. Here are some key features of the ZZ plant:

  • It is a tropical perennial
  • It is a slow grower, reaching an indoor height and width of two to three feet over a span of three to five years
  • It thrives in average home humidity levels
  • It thrives in temperatures between 65°F and 85°F (18°C to 30°C), making it ideal for apartment living.

Caring for ZZ Plants

The ZZ plant is perfect for those with hectic schedules. It’s low-maintenance, requires minimal attention, and is quite adaptable to low light. Whether you travel frequently or often forget to water your plants, the ZZ plant will forgive you.

It’s known for its drought tolerance and can withstand periods without water, catering to the needs of the busy plant parent.

Arranging with Other Plants

Part of the fun of having house plants is arranging them in visually appealing displays. The ZZ plant’s tolerance for low light conditions makes it an excellent companion for other plants with similar care requirements.

Pair it with other low light indoor plants to create a functional and aesthetic arrangement in spaces with limited natural light. You can also use grow lights to enhance the presentation of your ZZ plants when styled in bedrooms or living spaces.

6. Spider Plant: The Playful, Airy Companion

The Spider Plant, a playful, airy companion, can inject a whimsical touch into your apartment. Known for their ability to adapt to a variety of indoor conditions, these plants thrive in bright, indirect light and require moderate watering.

And the best part? They’re pet-friendly! So, if you’ve got furry friends who share your space, you won’t have to worry about them getting into your Spider Plant.

Creating a Mini Jungle

Group multiple Spider Plants together to form a lush, verdant atmosphere. Their arching leaves and baby plantlets create a rich, textured effect that’s sure to transform any room into a tropical paradise.

You can also hang them at varying heights to add depth to your space, creating a mesmerizing mini jungle effect.

7. Aloe Vera: Healing and Structural Interest

Aloe Vera extends beyond just being an indoor plant - it possesses healing properties and serves as a decorator’s delight. Its spiky leaves offer a unique, architectural appearance, while its gel is known for its soothing properties on skin irritation and burns.

Aloe Vera is not just a pretty face. It’s a practical plant that doubles as an on-hand first aid remedy. Keep a pot in the kitchen or bathroom - you never know when you might need it!

Caring for Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera loves the sun. In fact, it requires at least six hours of sunlight per day to maintain its compact form and prevent stretching. But it’s not just about light - soil matters too. Aloe Vera needs well-draining soil composed of equal parts sand and potting soil, or a specialized succulent mix.

So if you’re planning to add Aloe Vera to your indoor garden, make sure you’ve got these basics covered.

8. The Charming Mint: Refreshing Aroma and Lush Leaves

Mint serves as a delightful addition to any indoor herb garden. With its refreshing aroma and lush leaves, it’s a delight to the senses. Mint thrives in cooler environments and requires four to six hours of bright light daily.

The versatility of mint is truly remarkable. It can be used in a variety of ways, including:

  • sauces
  • dressings
  • desserts
  • as a garnish
  • infused in dishes

Mint also adds an aromatic element, contributing to the overall sensory experience of a dish.

Whether it’s a refreshing mint sauce for your roast lamb or a touch of mint in your Lebanese dish, mint is a culinary delight that’s globally celebrated.

Caring for Mint

To maintain a compact and bushy mint plant, regular pruning is necessary. Snipping 2-3 inches off the tops of your mint not only helps control its length but also promotes fuller and denser growth. Aim to remove about one-third of the leaves monthly, and you’ll have a mint plant that’s as healthy as it is productive.

9. Rubber Plant: Bold Foliage for Dramatic Flair

For those aiming to create a dramatic visual impact with their indoor plants, the Rubber Plant makes a stellar choice. With its striking large, glossy leaves, it’s sure to catch anyone’s eye.

Not only is it visually stunning, but the Rubber Plant also requires moderate attention, consistent watering, and bright, indirect light, making it a great addition to your indoor garden.

Cleaning and Dusting Leaves

Like any large-leafed plant, Rubber Plant leaves can accumulate dust. This can affect their ability to absorb light, so cleaning is essential. Simply wipe the leaves with a damp cloth every few weeks. But remember, new leaves are fragile and any damage incurred at this stage will be permanent, so handle with care. And if you happen to break a leaf, wash your hands as the sap can irritate the skin.

10. English Ivy: The Classic Climber

Finally, let’s meet the classic climber - English Ivy. This plant can bring a sense of timeless elegance to your apartment, particularly when utilized for creating vertical greenery.

One of the best ways to showcase English Ivy is by training them on trellises and shelves. You can secure the vine to the structure using soft plant ties or plastic clips, guiding its growth to create the desired shape. This not only creates a dynamic green display but can also turn your English Ivy into a piece of living art.

Caring for English Ivy

For English Ivy to thrive, it needs not just moderate to bright, indirect sunlight, but also regular checks and care to maintain its health and vitality.


We’ve journeyed through a variety of indoor plants and herbs, each with its own unique characteristics and care requirements. Whether you’re a seasoned plant parent or just starting your green thumb journey, remember that each plant is unique. From low-maintenance Snake Plants and robust Pothos to healing Aloe Vera and charming Mint, there’s a plant for every home and every lifestyle. So go ahead, choose the ones that resonate with you and start your indoor garden today!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it good to have plants in apartment?

Yes, having plants in your apartment can improve focus, decrease depressive moods, lessen symptoms of anxiety, and support cognitive health. It can also help relax your mind and body, leading to improvements in blood pressure, heart rate, and cortisol levels. So, it's definitely a good idea to have plants in your apartment.

Key Takeaway
Seeking the best plants for apartment living can be tricky. You need varieties that are adaptable, low-maintenance, and, above all, beautiful. Our compact guide simplifies your search, high-lighting ten perfect plants that will flourish in your apartment’s unique conditions. Get ready to meet your match.
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