Does reporting rent help credit scores in 2024?

Key Takeaway
You pay your rent on time every month. Shouldn't that improve your credit score? Unfortunately, if you're not using a rent reporting service, the answer is no. We'll explain how rent reporting can help boost your credit, as well as a few other simple ways to improve your credit score and help you reach your financial goals.

Does reporting rent help credit scores in 2024?

Have you ever wondered, “Does reporting rent help my credit?” What if paying rent on time could help improve your credit score? While rent payments are not automatically reported to credit bureaus, rent reporting services can bridge the gap. Let's explore the impact of rent reporting on credit scores, the factors that contribute to different credit scoring models, and how to choose the right rent reporting service. But we can't stop there. We'll also dig in to alternatives for building credit and the importance of understanding the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) when using rent reporting services.

Key takeaways

  • Rent reporting can potentially increase your credit score when reported to the three major bureaus.
  • It is important to compare rent reporting services based on cost, features and data protection measures before choosing one.
  • Alternatives such as secured credit cards, becoming an authorized user or utilizing a credit builder loan are additional paths for building your credit history.

The impact of rent reporting on credit scores

Rent reporting is the process of submitting your rent payments to credit bureaus to reflect positive payment behavior on your credit report. You can potentially improve your credit scores when your rent payments are reported to credit bureaus. In fact, rent reporting has been known to result in an average increase of 29 points in credit scores when reported to the three credit bureaus.

Here's how it works. You pay your rent through a rent reporting service, which subsequently transfers the rent, along with any applicable service fees, to the landlord. Additionally, they report each successful payment to the relevant credit bureaus. The impact of rent reporting on credit scores varies depending on the credit scoring model employed, such as FICO or VantageScore.

FICO score factors

FICO scores consider payment history, including rent payments, but only if they're reported to credit bureaus. More recent FICO models, such as FICO 9 and FICO 10, include rent payments in their calculations. However, not all versions of FICO scores take rental payment information into account.

Bear in mind that lenders may be slow in adopting newer FICO models. As a result, renters might not immediately see the benefits of rent reporting on their credit scores. Nevertheless, having rent payments included on your credit report may still be beneficial in the long run.

A substantial 35% of the FICO score calculation is comprised of payment history. Because of this, a positive rent payment history can contribute to a higher credit score, potentially improving approval odds for loans or other credit products.

VantageScore considerations

VantageScore, on the other hand, takes rent payments into account when calculating credit scores. With over 2200 financial institutions employing VantageScore 3.0, you're more likely to see the impact of reported rental payments on your credit scores under this model.

While not all lenders request credit scores that include rental payments, having a credit history that includes rental payments can still positively affect your credit score under both FICO and VantageScore models.

Choosing the right rent reporting service

Choosing the right rent reporting service involves considering factors such as cost, features, and landlord involvement.

But don't worry, we'll guide you through how to evaluate these factors, research, and compare rent reporting services to find the one that best matches your needs.

Cost and features

Evaluating the costs and features of rent reporting services is key for making sure you get the best value for your money. Fees associated with rent reporting services can vary, with some services requiring a one-time fee while others charge a monthly fee or annual fee. Features offered by rent reporting services may include automated rent payments, credit score tracking, and tenant screening.

Data protection is another important aspect to consider when choosing a rent reporting service. Rent reporting services typically provide data protection measures such as encryption, two-factor authentication, and secure data storage. Be sure to research and compare rent reporting services based on these factors to find the one that best suits your needs.

Landlord involvement

Landlord involvement is crucial for rent reporting, as the process requires their participation. Discussing rent reporting options with your landlord and ensuring they are willing to participate in the process is a key step in choosing the right rent reporting service.

Enrollment in a rent reporting service can be done independently. You could also request your landlord to sign up for the service. Providing necessary assistance to your landlord to ensure they are set up to receive payments through the rent-reporting service is crucial.

How rent reporting affects mortgage decisions

Rent payment history can be used by lenders in mortgage decisions, potentially making it easier for you to secure a loan. In fact, 17% of mortgage applicants would have been approved if their rental payment history had been taken into account, making their loan payments more manageable.

The Positive Rent Payment program is available to landlords with Fannie Mae-financed buildings. This program utilizes the services of Esusu, Jetty, and Rent Dynamics to report residents’ payments. This program can help renters with positive rental payment history qualify for a conventional loan, even if the rental history is not reflected in the credit report.

Potential drawbacks of rent reporting

While rent reporting has its benefits, it’s important to consider potential drawbacks as well. One potential drawback is the fees associated with rent reporting services. These fees can be an additional burden, especially if you're already struggling to make ends meet.

Another potential drawback is the possibility of negative marks on your credit report for missed payments. If you fail to make rent payments on time, your credit score may be negatively impacted, which could outweigh the benefits of rent reporting.

Considering the pros and cons of rent reporting is vital before deciding if it’s the right option for you.

Alternatives to rent reporting for building credit

If you’re looking for alternatives to rent reporting for building credit, there are several options available, such as secured credit cards, becoming an authorized user on someone else's card, and credit-builder loans.

Each of these alternatives will be detailed further in the sections that follow.

Secured credit cards

Secured credit cards:

  • Require a cash deposit as collateral
  • The cardholder is responsible for making timely and full payments
  • The issuer reports these payments to credit bureaus

Responsible use of a secured credit card, combined with ensuring that the issuer reports to credit bureaus, can help you build your credit over time. Just be sure to research and compare secured credit cards to find the one that best suits your needs.

Becoming an authorized user

Another way to improve your credit is to become an authorized user on someone else’s credit card. As an authorized user, you can benefit from the primary cardholder’s creditworthiness and payment history without being held liable for the charges made on the account.

However, it’s important to choose someone who uses their card responsibly and makes their payments on time, since their actions can impact your credit score. Additionally, be aware of any fees associated with being an authorized user on the primary cardholder’s account.

Credit-builder loans

Credit-builder loans are designed to help you establish or improve your credit score. Here's how they work:

  • You make regular payments on a small loan
  • These loans typically require regular payments over a set amount of time
  • The payments are reported to the credit bureaus

While credit-builder loans can help build credit, they may come with high interest rates and fees. Additionally, late payments on these loans could negatively impact your credit score. It’s important to research and compare credit-builder loans to find the one that best suits your needs and financial situation.

The importance of on-time rent payments

Whether or not you use a rent reporting service, making on-time rent payments is essential for maintaining a positive credit history. A consistent record of on-time rent payments can contribute to a higher credit score and improve your chances of qualifying for loans or other credit products.

However, missed rent payments can have severe consequences on your credit score. If late or missed rent payments are sent to a collection agency, they'll be reported to all credit bureaus, resulting in a hit to your credit scores.

Timely rent payments are key to maintaining a good credit history, whether or not you're using a rent reporting service.

Rent reporting and credit management

While rent reporting can be a useful tool for credit management, it is most effective when combined with other strategies to build and maintain a good credit score. By understanding the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and its role in governing how consumer credit information is collected, shared, and used, you can make informed decisions about whether to use rent reporting services.

In addition to rent reporting, consider other credit-building strategies such as using secured credit cards, becoming an authorized user on someone else's card, and utilizing credit-builder loans. By using a combination of these methods, you can work towards improving your credit score and achieving your financial goals.

Free rent reporting options

If you’re looking for rent reporting options without additional fees, there are a few free services available, such as Experian Boost and Piñata. These services can help renters build credit without incurring extra costs.

However, keep in mind that not all lenders may recognize free rent reporting options. As with any rent reporting service, be sure to research and compare options to find the one that best suits your needs and financial situation.

Understanding the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA)

The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) is a federal law that promotes accuracy, fairness, and privacy of information held by consumer reporting agencies, such as credit bureaus. It sets out rules for:

  • Access to consumer credit report records
  • Regulation of the collection of consumers’ credit information
  • Ensuring that rent reporting services are delivering accurate and current information to credit bureaus.

When using rent reporting services, it’s critical to understand the FCRA as it regulates the collection, sharing, and use of consumer credit information. Knowing more about the FCRA can help you make informed decisions regarding the use of rent reporting services to boost your credit scores.


Rent reporting can be a powerful tool for improving your credit scores. However, it’s essential to consider potential drawbacks, such as fees and the possibility of negative marks on your credit report for missed payments. By combining rent reporting with other credit-building strategies, such as secured credit cards, becoming an authorized user, and credit-builder loans, you can work towards building a strong credit score and achieving your financial goals. Always remember that understanding the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) is crucial when using rent reporting services, as it governs how consumer credit information is collected, shared, and used.

Frequently asked questions

Does rent reporting increase credit score?

Yes, rent reporting can increase your credit scores. In a Credit Builders Alliance-sponsored pilot program, 97% of participating residents stated that reporting their on-time rent payments was an effective way for them to build their credit. Furthermore, in an Experian analysis, 75% of scoreable consumers who added their rental payments saw an increase of 11 points or more on their score.

What bills build credit?

Paying credit card payments, auto loan payments, student loan payments, and medical bills on time are all effective ways to build credit. Additionally, rent, utility, and other service or utility bills may also contribute to credit building if reported to the national credit bureaus (Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion).

What raises credit score?

Payment history and keeping low balances are key factors for raising your credit score. Paying bills on time, using less of your available credit limit, having a mix of accounts, and making minimal inquiries will help you improve your credit in as little as 30 days.

What is rent reporting?

Rent reporting is the process of submitting rent payments to credit bureaus, allowing tenants to demonstrate their responsible financial behavior and improve their credit score.

What factors should I consider when choosing a rent reporting service?

When choosing a rent reporting service, consider factors such as cost, features, data protection, landlord involvement, credit bureau reporting, payment verification, and cancellation policy to ensure you receive the best value.

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